When knowledge is given
Without guidance
Even if there is guidance, it is incomplete
Human beings may succeed to become clever and competent people
They are developed in various aspects of life
Their living facilities are very comfortable indeed
Their material civilization are awesome
However, with the progress, there is jealousy
With luxury, kindness is missing
Human beings become arrogant, haughty and selfish
Human beings tend to show off, seeking for name and glamor
Humanity is ruined, tolerance is destroyed
Society becomes very individualistic
Crimes occur day in day out
Fraternity disappears, love and care is ruined
Finally, with progress and development, life is full of fear
With civilization, fear and anxiety invading daily
In the end, human beings lose their happiness
Therefore, knowledge should be simple, guidance must be perfect
If knowledge is abundant, while guidance is complete, that is the most favorable
At this present time, while searching for knowledge, guidance is neglected
As a result, many human beings appear to be very intelligent
But their personal character, more like animals and satan
Or the least, the way they live are liken to the trees in the forest.

Before bedtime



History shown to us seems to be strange
Most of the renowned Muslim figures were from those who have suffered
Many of the Muslim figures and leaders were from the poor group of people
Quite a number of them were orphans
Rasulullah, his name is famous, he was an orphan
He was also poor, and his enemies were everywhere
He was like a nomad, seeking refuge
But his success in bringing up the truth was unparalleled
Sayidina Ali, he was poor since childhood
He was not that handsome either
But his knowledge was abundant, he was remarkably pious and devout
His crusade was incomparable
His sacrifices and service for Islam were extensive
Imam Syafie, his name is famous
An imam mujtahid who was unmatched
His knowledge was abundant which become our heritage
His was significantly pious and devout during his lifetime
But who is he?
He was an orphan, his mother was poor
His life was like a nomad, moving everywhere
That was where his success that brought knowledge and piety
Look at the fifth mujaddid, Imam Ghazali
A renowned Sufi , a fiqh scholar and a philosopher
His knowledge is still being used to this date
He was a poor person
His father died before his adulthood

Knowledge Generate Civilization
Knowledge should be sought
Do not ignore and do not neglect
Once knowledge is obtained , it should be practiced
It will generate progress
Knowledge of faith , knowledge on development
These two knowledge should be intergrated
So that development achieved is rooted with faith
That was commanded by God
Knowledge is an asset
Its worth is better than money
With knowledge, one can achieve wealth
But with wealth, it does not bring knowledge
Without knowledge, there is no progress
How can we develop the nation
With knowledge, there is progress
With knowledge, the nation can advance
Progress needs to be developed
Development needs knowledge
A nation without any progress , they will forever be a disgraced nation



Many people declare themselves as Muslims
They feel offended if they are said to be a non-Muslim
But they do not care on the aspects of faith or iman
They neglect Syariah, moral values seem small to them
When Hereafter are said to be a priority, they feel offended
Mentioning Allah Taala is more like a tradition
It is not from a fearful heart or not with a soul that feels for God
Or God is mentioned more as a pleasing word, solely as a tradition
What they have in mind and what they talk about are only on progress
Its developments, its developer and wealth
As if progress, developments and wealth are everything there is
And yet, how many of those who have progressed and are wealthy
Their households are in a mess
Their children, their wives do not agree with one another
There is no love and care, there is no harmony in their lives as a family
They have never felt any peace and joy
Emptiness within their souls, their thoughts are in confusion
The side effects are, they have bad temper, they are easily offended and they sulk easily
It appears that developments, progress and wealth do not guarantee the delivery of love and care
Luxury in life does not guarantee harmony within a family
With wealth,  there is no guarantee it will bring happiness….

Before bedtime